If You Love Me
Words and music by Jason Bellard

Chords // ( Am Em ) picking in verse, strumming in chorus

Verse 1
In My first commandment, I talked about other gods
You know those very things that you let rule your very lives
The next in line, a graven image was the subject at hand
Yet, in my house I see statues of the Son of Man
Don’t take My name in vain, says the third
And yet My Spirit is so grieved by what I’ve heard
Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy
I am the Sabbath and you forget Me so easily

And if you love Me, you’ll do what I say
You’ll deny yourself and you’ll walk in My ways
If you love Me, you’ll obey My commands
Dearly departed son of man

Verse 2
Oh, honor your father and mother that your days may be long
Why do you sway so easily to darkness, wanting to be out on your own?
Do not kill and yet you murder with your mouth
And adultery is going on in, what your heart is stirring about
Do not steal and yet you steal My glory and you walk out of My will
And you’re bearing a false witness by your lives which are revealed
Do not covet and yet you covet everyday
Oh, how you want and want and want and won’t give anything away

Verse 3
Do you love your brother, love your enemy
If you only love the ones that love you, what reward have you from Me?
Love your neighbor as yourself and more than anyone love Me
There’s none other commandment that’s greater than these